Aktualności w wersji angielskiej

“Piękno na to jest, by zachwycało do pracy – praca, by się zmartwychwstało.”Cyprian Kamil Norwid


School year 2019/2020


The project, which was held in the Cyprian Kamil Norwid High School in Radzymin, involved both cooperating with the bilingual János Xántus High School in Budapest and organizing an eight-day international mobility for a group of Polish students in order to accomplish pre-arranged initiatives together. The title of the project is: „Polish – Hungarian roads to freedom” due to the fact that the subject of cooperation agreed with the host institution concerns the latest history of Poland and Hungary, including the events of 1956 and 1989. The issues discussed include the struggle of both nations to regain sovereignty after World War II, obeying human rights such as freedom of speech, conscience, religion and association, self-determination of peoples, democracy and tolerance in both countries. The project was implemented from 1/10/2019. until 31.03. 2020. The language of the project was English. …


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